Thursday, July 23, 2009

Swooning for Loons

What an incredible morning! I was a lucky passenger on a loon observation field excursion conducted by the Biodiversity Research Institute. The mission of this wonderful organization is to "assess ecological health through collaborative research, and to use scientific findings to advance environmental awareness and inform decision makers." (visit their site by clicking on their name here and see all of the amazing work they do!)
My friend and fellow nature enthusiast, Nancy Craig, and I met up with the Executive Director and Senior Scientist, David Evers, Ph.D., Business Manager and Development Director (and boat captain), Lee Attix, and Consultant Paige Holmes. We had been invited to accompany them on their loon survey of a Maine lake about a half-hour north of my home. This lake, a busy vacation area, is home to at least five nesting pairs, and several "rogue" loons. On our excursion this morning we were able to see many of the loons with their chicks, and to also check three nest sites. Dave and Lee offered a wealth of fascinating information about these amazing birds. You can probably guess that I am very eager to work on a loon picture book! 

Bottom photo, L to R: Paige, Nancy, Lee & Dave. Photo above has female feeding fish to chick!

1 comment:

Ally said...

Wow these pictures are amazing! I visit Maine every summer with my family, but I've never seen a loon so up close.